Product description

Helios Tray Liner

Helios Tray Liner (Absorbent trayliner) for are designed to reduce damage and condensation during the autoclave/sterilisation process.Helios Tray Lines are used for absorbing moisture and for mechanical protection of instruments. Helios Tray Liners have excellent wet strength and absorbs excessive condensation.

Key characteristics of Absorbent tray liners

  • Rapid absorption of condensate during processing, reducing the incidence of wet / damaged packs
  • Protects instruments from damage
  • Robust, heavy-duty material
  • Two standard sizes available
  • Can be manufactured in a range of sizes to suit your requirements
CODE Size in cms GSM Pack Size
Helios Tray Liner40 50x50 80 100pcs
Helios Tray Liner 75 80 100pcs


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No Document Title
1 Phoenix Corporation Product Brochure
2 Sterilization Reel (60gr)  Technical Literature