Helios Wrap (Sterilization wrapping sheet) is an engineered 3 layered non-woven fabric which ensures maximum bacterial protection (BFE) and optimum strength. Available in multiple strengths and size, Helios Wraps provide an ideal solution for various tray sizes.
Helios Pack (Sterilization reels) provides healthcare workers the ease of choosing the right packaging material for their medical instruments/devices/consumables. Helios Pack allows a safe method to sterilize the instruments/devices/consumables with steam, ethylene oxide (EO) or formaldehyde sterilizers.
Helios pouch (Sterilization pouch) as a packaging solution for sterilization applications, ensures the protection of the medical device against contamination with bacteria and chemicals from the time of sterilization until use of the sterile medical device. Wide range of standard sizes options (available both in self- seal and heat seal options) allows optimum choice of a correct-sized pack for each item.
Helios Tray Liners (Absorbent trayliner) are produced with finely creped medical quality paper. They have high absorbency and rapid dispersion which ensures condensate is effectively removed during autoclaving, encourages dry packs and improves the efficacy of the sterilisation process.
To work closely with healthcare professionals with an aim of providing innovative and cost effective solutions to challenging problems.
To make the latest innovations in healthcare technology accessible to everyone at cost effective rates.